Word for the urge to speak?

If "hunger" is the urge to eat and "thirst" is the urge to drink, is there a word for the urge to speak? (Or, perhaps, the desire to be heard?)

There seem to be a lot of nouns describing people who talk too much and adjectives for "talkative" (positive and negative), but I can't seem to find a word for the motive for speech.

I'm striking out in the thesaurus, can't even seem to find an entry point.

It's OK if the word is technical (for example, if it is psychology jargon). Ideally, it would be neutral in connotation. A single word would be best, but a compound word or phrase would be helpful.

Solution 1:

I think you might mean logomania. Logorrhoea would be the result where words just tumble out in an unstoppable flow.

Solution 2:

Speaking is not like eating and drinking, which are necessary for survival, so it is not motivated by the same biological urge. As a psychological characteristic, it might be called discursiveness or loquaciousness.