What is the female equivalent of a graybeard/greybeard?

In a meta post @TimLymington refers to himself as a greybeard and says he doesn't know what the female equivalent would be..

Well, neither do I.

Graybeard means an older man whose experience brings him wisdom.

The closest I can think of is wizend crone. But that seems to hold too negative of a connotation. Even though it carries a sense of wisdom, there's also a shriveled ugliness and malevolence involved.

Matriarch came up as a synonym , but implies more of a leadership position than wisdom or experience.

Google searches bring up endless videogame references, which I don't find particularly authoritative.

What would we call the female equivalent?


This is from a woman doyen:

1a: the senior member of a body or group b: a person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in some field of endeavor 2: the oldest example of a category

Grande dame (pronounced similar to French)

a woman, esp. an older one, of great dignity or prestige (Collins)