How to use ssh-rsa public key to encrypt a text?

Solution 1:

It's possible to convert your ssh public key to PEM format(that 'openssl rsautl' can read it):


ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/ -e -m PKCS8 >

Assuming 'myMessage.txt' is your message which should be public-key encrypted.

Then just encrypt your message with openssl rsautl and your converted PEM public-key as you would normally do:

openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey -ssl -in myMessage.txt -out myEncryptedMessage.txt

The result is your encrypted message in 'myEncryptedMessage.txt'

To test your work to decrypt the with Alice' private key:

openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey ~/.ssh/id_rsa -in myEncryptedMessage.txt -out myDecryptedMessage.txt

Solution 2:

Give a try to ssh-vault it uses ssh-rsa public keys to encrypt "create a vault" and the ssh-rsa private key to decrypt "view content of the vault"