how to ssh to a ipv6 ubuntu in a LAN?

Solution 1:

Try specifying the interface to the ssh client. The ping6 utility allows you to specify an interface, however ssh does not have a switch for that, you have to use this syntax:

ssh -6 fe80::21b:21ff:fe22:e865%eth1

Solution 2:

Link local addresses aren't supposed to be used for SSH, they're for low-level protocol bootstrapping stuff. If you don't have an ISP-provided prefix to use on your network, then generate a unique-local prefix from fd00::/8 instead:

Solution 3:

To connect SSH IPv6 you most have IPv6 ISP connectivity on your computer and than try as.

root@hostname[~]# ssh -6 2205:f200:40:401::9ab4:8b43

and this command it will ask first time to confirm SSH key. than type Y/Yes

Note: 2205:f200:40:401::9ab4:8b43 mean Your IPv6. This Only example of IPv6 so don't forget to replace you IPv6.