Incented or Incentivized? [closed]

Solution 1:

It would be incentivized. According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, incentivize is a valid verb meaning "to provide with an incentive." Incentivized is kind of a letdown. I was hoping for incentivated (like motivated).

Solution 2:

I don't understand all the fuss over incentivise - it seems like a perfectly ordinary word to me, and Chambers 2011 have no problem listing it. I will admit it wasn't in their 1983 edition - but even if I can't recall exactly how I felt about the word back then, I doubt I'd have objected to it.

Incented sounds really odd/ignorant to me, but Google Books records it 3950 times, so perhaps I'm overreacting. Even so, it's blown away by over 27000 instances of incentivised / incentivized.