Android studio 3.5 refactor issue
I've just updated to Android Studio 3.5 and now when I try to refactor the file AndroidManifest.xml
, all my app permissions are moved to the bottom of the file.
Has anyone else faced this issue? Is there any solution for this?
Before refactor:
After refactor:
It is applicable to my all project files.
Why it matters:
You just need to set xml layout for Android applications from the settings.
Follow this steps:
1. Go to Android Studio > Preferences. For Windows, go to File > Settings.
2. Search for xml in search bar.
3. Under code style section, select xml tab.
4. In the top right corner, click on set from... and under predefined style, select Android
5. Click on Apply and try to refactor.
Reset the appropriate Android code style as follows.
For Windows Only
Step1: Click on the file menu.
Step2: Navigate to Setting.
Step3: Find Editor in the Left Panel**.
Step4: Find Code Style in the Sub Menu of Editor.
Step5: Click on XML in the Sub Menu of Code Style.
Step6: Click on Set from in Top right corner of Right panel.
Step7: Select Predefined Style.
Step8: Select Android.
Step9: Click OK.
For macOS Only
Step1: Click on the Android Studio menu.
Step2: Navigate to Preferences.
Step3: Find Editor in the Left Panel**.
Step4: Find Code Style in the Sub Menu of Editor.
Step5: Click on XML in the Sub Menu of Code Style.
Step6: Click on Set from in Top right corner of Right panel.
Step7: Select Predefined Style.
Step8: Select Android.
Step9: Click OK.