Installation failed due to: 'null' - Android Studio 3.5
Solution 1:
Open Run/Debug Configuration dialog (Windows: Run > Edit Configurations)
edit You app > General > Installation Options > Install Flags .
add install flags -r -t
This flags means adb install -r -t apkpath
Solution 2:
You need disable "Use libusb backend" in preferences--> debugger
Solution 3:
This issue in Android Studio happens for devices lower then API 26
(Android 8). This is caused by replacement of InstantRun
, known now as ApplyChanges.
Seems to be there are only two ways before they fix it in the next update.
- Run on
. - After every change in code edit
run configuration
toApp bundle
and vise-versa. If I correctly understand, this will correctly rebuild app and workaround bug.
Of course, there is an option to manually delete app from device before running app from AndroidStudio.
Solution 4:
Build > Clean project its work's for me. Before change other setting try this first.
Happy coding :)
Solution 5:
For me either uninstalling the app or cleaning project "solves" the problem. To make it less frustrating I added clean job to debug build type like so:
buildTypes {
debug {