Formatting text in a TextBlock

How do I achieve formatting of a text inside a TextBlock control in my WPF application?

e.g.: I would like to have certain words in bold, others in italic, and some in different colors, like this example:

enter image description here

The reason behind my question is this actual problem:

lblcolorfrom.Content = "Colour From: " + colourChange.ElementAt(3).Value.ToUpper();

I would like the second part of the string to be bold, and I know that I could use two controls (Labels, TextBlocks, etc.) but I'd rather not, due the vast amount of controls already in use.

You need to use Inlines:

    <Run FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="14" Text="This is WPF TextBlock Example. " />
    <Run FontStyle="Italic" Foreground="Red" Text="This is red text. " />

With binding:

    <Run FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="14" Text="{Binding BoldText}" />
    <Run FontStyle="Italic" Foreground="Red" Text="{Binding ItalicText}" />

You can also bind the other properties:

    <Run FontWeight="{Binding Weight}"
         FontSize="{Binding Size}"
         Text="{Binding LineOne}" />
    <Run FontStyle="{Binding Style}"
         Foreground="Binding Colour}"
         Text="{Binding LineTwo}" />

You can bind through converters if you have bold as a boolean (say).

You can do this in XAML easily enough:

  Hello <Bold>my</Bold> faithful <Underline>computer</Underline>.<Italic>You rock!</Italic>

There are various Inline elements that can help you, for the simplest formatting options you can use Bold, Italic and Underline:

    Sample text with <Bold>bold</Bold>, <Italic>italic</Italic> and <Underline>underlined</Underline> words.

enter image description here

I think it is worth noting, that those elements are in fact just shorthands for Span elements with various properties set (i.e.: for Bold, the FontWeight property is set to FontWeights.Bold).

This brings us to our next option: the aforementioned Span element.

You can achieve the same effects with this element as above, but you are granted even more possibilities; you can set (among others) the Foreground or the Background properties:

    Sample text with <Span FontWeight="Bold">bold</Span>, <Span FontStyle="Italic">italic</Span> and <Span TextDecorations="Underline">underlined</Span> words. <Span Foreground="Blue">Coloring</Span> <Span Foreground="Red">is</Span> <Span Background="Cyan">also</Span> <Span Foreground="Silver">possible</Span>.

enter image description here

The Span element may also contain other elements like this:

    <Span FontStyle="Italic">Italic <Span Background="Yellow">text</Span> with some <Span Foreground="Blue">coloring</Span>.</Span>

enter image description here

There is another element, which is quite similar to Span, it is called Run. The Run cannot contain other inline elements while the Span can, but you can easily bind a variable to the Run's Text property:

    Username: <Run FontWeight="Bold" Text="{Binding UserName}"/>

enter image description here

Also, you can do the whole formatting from code-behind if you prefer:

TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
tb.Inlines.Add("Sample text with ");
tb.Inlines.Add(new Run("bold") { FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold });
tb.Inlines.Add(", ");
tb.Inlines.Add(new Run("italic ") { FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic });
tb.Inlines.Add("and ");
tb.Inlines.Add(new Run("underlined") { TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Underline });