Using only the necessary parts of the fact just to prove the point

What is the word for 'using the facts for one's own favorable use' or disregarding other points of fact just to prove the point?

Solution 1:

cherry-pick (v.), cherry-picking (n.)

Intransitive verb

To select the best or most desirable

Transitive verb

To select as being the best or most desirable m-w

Transitive verb

If someone cherry-picks people or things, they choose the best ones from a group of them, often in a way that other people consider unfair. Collins

The team is in debt while others are lining up to cherry-pick their best players.

Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally. Wikipedia

But clearly they cherry-pick and distort the facts for the purpose of presenting a very different understanding than one would get from a more accurate, balanced reporting.

In my view, cherry-picking information and grossly distorting facts are not examples of mistakes, inaccuracies, or differing perspectives. They're fake news. They're intended to mislead. Eric Sentel; Become your Own Fact-Checker

Cherry-picking is a common practice. Various movements and industries have practiced it, taking care to exclude studies that don’t go their way. They only select studies that support their position. Valérie Levée; "Cherry-picking: choosing facts that confirm what you want!"

Classic cherry picking: misleading viewers by producing and displaying graphs based on carefully selected data specifically aimed to apparently contradict global warming. Classic examples include cherry picking of places or regions where show cooling despite a general global warming trend and cherry picking of period of time with limited warming (or even cooling)... B. Schneider and T. Nocke; Image Politics of Climate Change