Synergy 1.4.10 :unrecognised client name "APNANLL3M4335", check server config

Windows 7 links to Windows XP, use Windows 7 as a server. But I can't connect them.

Client log says

"server regused client with our name". 
server:"unrecognised client name ******, check server config". 

What's wrong here

Looks like you haven't added the client name to the server config.

From Synergy user guide:


On Windows run synergy by double clicking on the synergy file. This brings up a dialog. Configure the server:

  • Click the Share this computer's keyboard and mouse (server) radio button
  • Click the Screens & Links Configure... button
  • Click the + button to add the server to the Screens list
    • Enter the name of server (the computer's name is the recommended name)
    • Optionally enter other names the server is known by
    • Click OK
  • Use the + button to add your other computers
    • Using a computer's name as its screen name is recommended
    • Choose desired screen options on the Add Screen dialog
  • Use the controls under Links to link screens together
  • Click (once) on the server's name in the Screens list
    • Choose the screen to the left of the server; use --- if there is no screen to the left of the server
    • Choose the screens to the right, above and below the server
    • Repeat the above steps for all the other screens
    • Click OK to close the Screens & Links dialog
  • Use Options... to set desired options
  • If the server's screen name is not the server's computer name:
    • Click Advanced...
    • Enter the server's screen name next to Screen Name
    • Click OK

I too spend some time in this. The button for this is not that obvious. it looks like a icon rather that a button. Drag this button to the grid to add new screenenter image description here

Use this monitor type icon to add (by dragging) one more monitor to your server setup. DO not use the special character in its name.