Does "vomit" refer to a single heave or an entire episode of vomiting?

For example, if somebody says "I vomitted four times yesterday" should I assume that they gave four heaves of vomit total, possibly only during a single trip to the bathroom, or should I assume that they went to the bathroom four separate times, possibly giving many heaves each time -- or if both usages are admissible, which is more common?

Cambridge Dictionary defines vomit (verb) for C2 as

to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth:

He came home drunk and vomited all over the kitchen floor. She was vomiting (up) blood.

And for intermediate English as

to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth, usually in explosive bursts

(no application examples provided)

Both definitions make it clear that "vomit" refers to the ACT of emptying the stomach, regardless of the quantity of heaves ("bursts" in the intermediate definition) required to do so.