Can anything else be done while the player has control of Joker?

In Mass Effect 2, you are given control of Joker for a brief period. However, this time is very focused towards achieving certain tasks. It's strongly implied that to stray from those tasks would mean certain doom for Joker and/or the Normandy. Besides this, players who have been paying attention won't want to over-exert him anyway due to his bone condition. So, during my first (and so far only) play-through of this scene I stuck to the objectives. I did keep my eyes open for anything that might look "interesting", but didn't see any.

Is there ever any variation in this scene, or any point in doing anything with this time other than just completing the basic mission? Otherwise, it seems like the scene may as well have been done as just a non-interactive cut-scene. I understand there's a certain value in allowing the player to remain immersed in the story through control of certain characters. However, this is the first time in the series (at least, following the paths I've taken) that the player is given direct control of any character other than Shepard and it seems so little is done with it that there's really no point.

I'd like to explore this scene more myself, but would like to know ahead of time whether or not there will be any point to it. This is primarily because I have horrible saving habits (or, rather, a lack thereof) and so I do not have an easy way to jump back to the start of the scene any more. If I'm going to bother wandering around in this scene, it will be on another play-through - but I don't want to bother with it if there's no real reason to.

So I'd like answers to the following questions, without spoilers (or with spoilers appropriately hidden) if possible:

  1. Is the player's control of Joker effectively limited to only that which is necessary to complete the task at hand, or is there more that can be done?
    • A simple yes or no, and a very general direction of where to look will suffice. Please put any further details, if included, in a spoiler block.
  2. Are there any decisions Shepard can make in either of the first two Mass Effect games, which will influence the player's experience while they control Joker?
    • A simple yes or no, and a list of decision points, would be appreciated. If an answer includes the actual choices to make and/or details of their consequences, please put that information in a spoiler block.

Solution 1:

1) Yes. In fact, doing anything other than lurch along the task at hand is likely to get you killed.

2) No.