Is there an advantage to use a Synchronized Method instead of a Synchronized Block?

Solution 1:

Can anyone tell me the advantage of the synchronized method over the synchronized block with an example? Thanks.

There is not a clear advantage of using synchronized method over the block.

Perhaps the only one ( but I wouldn't call it an advantage ) is you don't need to include the object reference this.


public synchronized void method() { // blocks "this" from here.... 
} // to here


public void method() { 
    synchronized( this ) { // blocks "this" from here .... 
    }  // to here...

See? No advantage at all.

Blocks do have advantages over methods though, mostly in flexibility because you can use another object as lock whereas syncing the method would lock the entire object.


// locks the whole object
private synchronized void someInputRelatedWork() {
private synchronized void someOutputRelatedWork() {


// Using specific locks
Object inputLock = new Object();
Object outputLock = new Object();

private void someInputRelatedWork() {
    synchronized(inputLock) { 
private void someOutputRelatedWork() {
    synchronized(outputLock) { 

Also if the method grows you can still keep the synchronized section separated:

 private void method() {
     ... code here
     ... code here
     ... code here
    synchronized( lock ) { 
        ... very few lines of code here
     ... code here
     ... code here
     ... code here
     ... code here

Solution 2:

The only real difference is that a synchronized block can choose which object it synchronizes on. A synchronized method can only use 'this' (or the corresponding Class instance for a synchronized class method). For example, these are semantically equivalent:

synchronized void foo() {

void foo() {
    synchronized (this) {

The latter is more flexible since it can compete for the associated lock of any object, often a member variable. It's also more granular because you could have concurrent code executing before and after the block but still within the method. Of course, you could just as easily use a synchronized method by refactoring the concurrent code into separate non-synchronized methods. Use whichever makes the code more comprehensible.

Solution 3:

Synchronized Method


  • Your IDE can indicate the synchronized methods.
  • The syntax is more compact.
  • Forces to split the synchronized blocks to separate methods.


  • Synchronizes to this and so makes it possible to outsiders to synchronize to it too.
  • It is harder to move code outside the synchronized block.

Synchronized block


  • Allows using a private variable for the lock and so forcing the lock to stay inside the class.
  • Synchronized blocks can be found by searching references to the variable.


  • The syntax is more complicated and so makes the code harder to read.

Personally I prefer using synchronized methods with classes focused only to the thing needing synchronization. Such class should be as small as possible and so it should be easy to review the synchronization. Others shouldn't need to care about synchronization.

Solution 4:

The main difference is that if you use a synchronized block you may lock on an object other than this which allows to be much more flexible.

Assume you have a message queue and multiple message producers and consumers. We don't want producers to interfere with each other, but the consumers should be able to retrieve messages without having to wait for the producers. So we just create an object

Object writeLock = new Object();

And from now on every time a producers wants to add a new message we just lock on that:

  // do something

So consumers may still read, and producers will be locked.