How do I change until the next underscore in VIm?
Solution 1:
You can do cf_
. f won't highlight the searched character.
You can also do ct_
if you don't want to include the _.
Solution 2:
Put this in your .vimrc:
set iskeyword-=_
Then _ will be treated as a word boundary (though not a WORD boundary), and cw could be used to just change "awesome", and cW to change the whole thing.
:help iskeyword
:help word
for more info.
Solution 3:
camelcasemotion is a pretty handy vim plugin that allows you to move through words when using underscore or camelcase notation. Using this plugin you can place a comma in front of many of the traditional vim motion commands which will allow you to treat words in underscore or camelcase notation as full words.