What is the general name/description for what I thought was "Makeout Creek"?

Solution 1:

It seems that this television and movie trope is referred to as "makeout point".

A standard teenage hang out where all sorts of canoodling takes place in cars...Often involves a tourist-trap-type scenic bluff, so as to overlook the city lights at night

TV Tropes

I don't know where the editors of TV Tropes get the names for their entries, and I was skeptical that this term was in widespread use, but you can find quite a number of citations in Google Books.1

The reason I was skeptical is that I've never heard anyone use this term. That's likely because these "makeout points" are common in movies and TV, but not in the real world. Most cities don't have a perfect secluded viewpoint that you can drive right up to.

Of course, people, especially people without their own houses, do need to find places to make out. If there's a place where people commonly go to make out, it might be called a makeout spot.2

It also looks like makeout spot is at least occasionally used to refer to the TV and movie trope: "Since you didn't have a famed 'makeout spot' on a leafy hill overlooking the town (thanks, every teen movie ever)" (Cosmo)

  1. Some examples of "makeout point":

Lori thought they were headed up to Johnson's Reservoir to the makeout point.

The Coy Circle

They were parked at Makeout Point, a discreet distance away from the other cars

Out of the Madhouse

Many of the makeout point scenes were filmed on Mulholland Drive near the current home of the Skirball Cultural Center.

Grease is the Word: Exploring a Cultural Phenomenon

  1. For some reason, the top Google results for "makeout spot" are mostly reviews or recommendations for these kinds of places, e.g. "Best make out spot in Los Angeles, CA - Yelp", "Where's The Best Makeout Spot In The Treasure Valley?", "Best makeout spot | Newcity"

Solution 2:

I would call it lovers’ lane

The generic name for a place, often one with a scenic view, that teenagers and young adults go to kiss and potentially engage in other sexual activity, typically in a car.
If a boy takes you to lovers' lane, it's not because he wants to talk about the weather, OK?

The “lane” is probably used in the sense of “a narrow country road” or “A narrow way or passage between walls, hedges, or fences“, not “a strip delineated on a street or highway”. This term might be old fashioned, but I think it’s still well known.