How to reuse redis connection in
Solution 1:
Actually you are only creating a new redis client for every connection if you are instantiating the client on the "connection" event. What I prefer to do when creating a chat system is to create three redis clients. One for publishing, subscribing, and one for storing values into redis.
for example:
var socketio = require("")
var redis = require("redis")
// redis clients
var store = redis.createClient()
var pub = redis.createClient()
var sub = redis.createClient()
// ... application paths go here
var socket = socketio.listen(app)
socket.on("connection", function(client){
client.on("message", function(text){
store.incr("messageNextId", function(e, id){
store.hmset("messages:" + id, { uid: client.sessionId, text: text }, function(e, r){
pub.publish("chat", "messages:" + id)
client.on("disconnect", function(){
client.broadcast(client.sessionId + " disconnected")
sub.on("message", function(pattern, key){
store.hgetall(key, function(e, obj){
client.send(obj.uid + ": " + obj.text)
Solution 2:
Redis is optimized for a high level of concurrent connections. There is also discussion about multiple database connections and connection pool implementation in node_redis module.
Is it possible to reuse redis connection if the cookies are same? So if someone open many browser tabs also treat as open 1 connection.
You can use for example HTML5 storage on the client side to keep actively connected only one tab and others will handle communication/messages through storage events. It's related to this question.