When can you use "if" in a sentence and it not be conditional? [closed]

I'm a little intimidated asking this on this website, being an engineer, but I've wondered this often the past few months so I wanted to ask. It seems that whenever "if" is used, then it almost always turns the sentence into a conditional. Sometimes "then" is directly stated, other times it is implied. When can you use if and it not be conditional? While listening to a book on tape, I heard something like "Another benefit is that you will make forward progress, if languid." Here, if seemed to mean "despite being". Any other examples you can think of?

Yes, if has other uses/meanings:

if (conjunction)

Asked if the mail had come
I doubt if I'll pass the course

Even though : although perhaps
An interesting if untenable argument

And perhaps not even
Few if any changes are expected
— Often used with not
Difficult if not impossible

If anything
On the contrary even : perhaps even
If anything, you ought to apologize m-w

If can also be a noun, as in There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it!