Custom filtering of intent chooser based on installed Android package name
Here is a solution i whipped up. I use it to have different intent data for each selection in the chooser, but you can easily remove an intent from the list as well. Hope this helps:
List<Intent> targetedShareIntents = new ArrayList<Intent>();
Intent shareIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);
List<ResolveInfo> resInfo = getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(shareIntent, 0);
if (!resInfo.isEmpty()) {
for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : resInfo) {
String packageName = resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName;
Intent targetedShareIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);
targetedShareIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "subject to be shared");
if (TextUtils.equals(packageName, "com.facebook.katana")) {
targetedShareIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "");
} else {
targetedShareIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "text message to shared");
Intent chooserIntent = Intent.createChooser(targetedShareIntents.remove(0), "Select app to share");
chooserIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS, targetedShareIntents.toArray(new Parcelable[targetedShareIntents.size()]));
While using this method i get names of some apps as android system. If anybody get this error pls add below lines before targetedShareIntents.add(targetedShareIntent);
source : Android share intent Twitter: How to share only by Tweet or Direct Message?
The only one additional parameter for the chooser is Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS
. Its description is:
of Intent orLabeledIntent
objects as set withputExtra(String, Parcelable[])
of additional activities to place a the front of the list of choices, when shown to the user with aACTION_CHOOSER
I haven't found any way in Android sources to exclude other activities from the list, so it seems there's no way to do what you want to do using the chooser.
EDIT: That's really easy to find out. Just check ChooserActivity and ResolverActivity source code. These classes are rather small.