AWS EMR - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyarrow'

Solution 1:

In EMR python3 is not resolved by default. You have to make it explicit. One way to do it is to pass a config.json file as you're creating the cluster. It's available in the Edit software settings section in AWS EMR UI. A sample json file looks something like this.

    "Classification": "spark-env",
    "Configurations": [
        "Classification": "export",
        "Properties": {
          "PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "Classification": "yarn-env",
    "Properties": {},
    "Configurations": [
        "Classification": "export",
        "Properties": {
          "PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/usr/bin/python3"

Also you need to have the pyarrow module installed in all core nodes, not only in the master. For that you can use a bootstrap script while creating the cluster in AWS. Again, a sample bootstrap script can be as simple as something like this:

sudo python3 -m pip install pyarrow==0.13.0

Solution 2:

There are two options in your case:

one is to make sure the python env is correct on every machines:

  • set the PYSPARK_PYTHON to your python interpreter that has installed the third part module such as pyarrow. you can use type -a python to check how many python there is on your slave node.

  • if the python interpreter path are all the same on every nodes, you can set PYSPARK_PYTHON in then copy to every other nodes. read this for more:

another option is to add argument on spark-submit:

  • you have to package your extra module to a zip or egg file first.

  • then typespark-submit --py-files in this way, spark will transport your module automatically to every other nodes.

I hope these helped.