How to set the default XML namespace for an XDocument

How can I set the default namespace of an existing XDocument (so I can deserialize it with DataContractSerializer). I tried the following:

var doc = XDocument.Parse("<widget/>");
var attrib = new XAttribute("xmlns",

The exception I get is is The prefix '' cannot be redefined from '' to '' within the same start element tag.

Any ideas?

Not sure if this already worked in .net 3.5 or only in 4, but this works fine for me:

XNamespace ns = @"http://mynamespace";
var result = new XDocument(
    new XElement(ns + "rootNode",
        new XElement(ns + "child",
            new XText("Hello World!")

produces this document:

<rootNode xmlns="http://mynamespace">
    <child>Hello World!</child>

Important is to always use the ns + "NodeName" syntax.

It seems that Linq to XML does not provide an API for this use case (disclaimer: I didn't investigate very deep). If change the namespace of the root element, like this:

XNamespace xmlns = "";
doc.Root.Name = xmlns + doc.Root.Name.LocalName;

Only the root element will have its namespace changed. All children will have an explicit empty xmlns tag.

A solution could be something like this:

public static void SetDefaultXmlNamespace(this XElement xelem, XNamespace xmlns)
    if(xelem.Name.NamespaceName == string.Empty)
        xelem.Name = xmlns + xelem.Name.LocalName;
    foreach(var e in xelem.Elements())

// ...

Or, if you prefer a version that does not mutate the existing document:

public XElement WithDefaultXmlNamespace(this XElement xelem, XNamespace xmlns)
    XName name;
    if(xelem.Name.NamespaceName == string.Empty)
        name = xmlns + xelem.Name.LocalName;
        name = xelem.Name;
    return new XElement(name,
                    from e in xelem.Elements()
                    select e.WithDefaultXmlNamespace(xmlns));