How to prevent that the password to decrypt the private key has to be entered every time when using Git Bash on Windows?

I've an automatic building service which download from a git private repository. The problem is that when it tries to clone repository it need to provide the password, because it is not remembered; so because there is no human interaction, it waits forever the password. How can I force it to remember from

Solution 1:

For Windows users, just a note that this is how I set up the Git Bash environment to log me in once when I start it up. I edit my ~/.bashrc file:

eval `ssh-agent`

So when I start Git Bash, it looks like:

Welcome to Git (version 1.7.8-preview20111206)
Agent pid 3376
Enter passphrase for /c/Users/starmonkey/.ssh/id_dsa:
Identity added: /c/Users/starmonkey/.ssh/id_dsa (/c/Users/starmonkey/.ssh/id_dsa)

And now I can ssh to other servers without logging in every time.

Solution 2:

This answer explains how to get the GitHub username and password to be stored permanently, not the SSH key passphrase.

In Windows, just run

$ git config --global credential.helper wincred

This means that the next time you push, you'll enter your username and password as usual, but they'll be saved in Windows credentials. You won't have to enter them again, after that.

As in, Push to GitHub without entering username and password every time (Git Bash on Windows).