How do I enable/disable overscan on my TV in Catalyst Control Center?

Edit: since quite a lot has changed in the drivers (version 2011.0419 as of this writing) since I initially wrote this post, I decided to update it. The procedure is now drastically simplified:

  • right click on the desktop and choose AMD VISION Engine Control Center

Menu option

  • from the left side of the window go to My Digital Flat-Panels and choose Scaling Options (Digital Flat-Panel)

AMD vision blah blah blah settings

  • set the slider to 0% (or whatever works best for you) and you're done.

Initial post: the inability to change underscan/overscan for the TV was actually an issue in Catalyst Control Center, version 9.9. The release notes for the latest version (9.10 from 22.10.2009) state:

Underscan/Overscan settings for TV can now be applied from the Catalyst Control Center - TV Properties Adjustments page

I made a short tutorial in case others are interested in changing this setting. To adjust Underscan/Overscan in Catalyst Control Center (version 9):

  • right click on the Desktop and choose Catalyst(TM) Control Center

  • from the upper left side corner, left click and choose Desktops & Displays

  • find the display you want to configure and right click on its icon from the lower part of the window and choose Configure

  • go to the Scaling Options tab and adjust the slider as you see fit (for me it's 0%, so the image can fit the entire TV screen) and click Apply

Have you tried an external cofiguration tool such as PowerStrip? They offer a free trial and you may be able to tweak the settings you need to get it to work. I had a similar problem a few years back with an NVidia card and was able to manual set it to output correctly.

PowerStrip Homepage
As for the particular settings that will work for your TV, you may look in the owners manual for the specific input it expects or search for you model tv online.

I was having this problem too and it was really driving me nuts. To fix it I had to go into ccc then desktops and displays. On the bottom left of that screen is a computer monitor or tv or whatever. right click on that and hit configure and it will take you to the screen you need to be in. Then find the overscan & underscan tab and slide it to adjust. Hope this helps. I ended up with a massive headache trying to find this because my screen was so screwey.

That's all i could ever do with the same stuff, i could get the high resolutions to work, but they would flicker and lag. 800 by 600 and usually 50hz was the only setting it worked for with HDMI.