How to download and run the Windows version of USBView (the USB device viewer)

Solution 1:

There is no need to install any Microsoft DDK or SDK or any other Microsoft development kit. There is a freeware derivative, maintained by Uwe Sieber, named USBTreeView. Go there, download, unzip, and just run. It is only ~300 kilobytes. It is based on the same Microsoft open-source code, but is much better, with more functionality, and with fewer bugs.

Solution 2:

How to download

Download and install the Debugging Tools for Windows. This set of tools takes up a few hundred megabytes, but it also includes other useful tools like WinDbg.

Unfortunately, the Debugging Tools installer won't add USBView to your Start menu. But you can run the tool manually.

How to run

By default, the 64-bit version of USBView will get installed to:

"\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\usbview.exe"

Go there and run it.

Source code

If you want the USBView source code, go here.