What's the best three-way merge tool? [closed]

Subversion, Git, Mercurial and others support three-way merges (combining mine, theirs, and the "base" revision) and support graphical tools to resolve conflicts.

What tool do you use? Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, free or commercial, you name it.

Here's a few that I've used or heard of, just to get the conversation started:

  • KDiff3
  • DiffMerge
  • P4Merge
  • Meld
  • Beyond Compare Pro.

(I recognize that this is sort of like the Best Diff Tool, but it's different in that I explicitly focus on three-way merge tools; WinMerge is off the list, for example.)

Solution 1:

KDiff3 open source, cross platform

Same interface for Linux and Windows, very smart algorithm for solving conflicts, regular expressions for automatically solving conflicts, integrate with ClearCase, SVN, Git, MS Visual Studio, editable merged file, compare directories

Its keyboard-navigation is great: ctrl-arrows to navigate the diffs, ctrl-1, 2, 3 to do the merging.

Also, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/2434482/42473

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Just checked out P4merge since I heard about it in another blog article:

enter image description here

Very slick interface, and FREE! I've been a faithful Araxis Merge user, but considering this is free and awesome, I'd encourage you to check it out.

Solution 3:

Beyond Compare 3 Pro supports three-way merging, and it is a pretty impressive merge tool. It's commercial (but worth it, IMHO) and is available on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

As pointed out in a comment, it's also inexpensive.

Enter image description here

Note: If one does not have a merge set, that is, merge markers resident in the destination file, Beyond Compare does not offer three-way file compare/editing. Beyond Compare says that feature is on their list.

Note: 3-way merge is a feature in the Pro edition of Beyond Compare 3 only