Remove password from Excel files in batch

Test DocRecrypt.

Microsoft Office 2013 DocRecrypt Tool

To remove the password from a file, use this code:

DocRecrypt –i lockedfile 

To remove the password and assign a new password of 12345, use this code:

DocRecrypt –p 12345 –i lockedfile 

To remove the password, create a new file, and assign a new password of 12345 to that file, use this code:

DocRecrypt –p 12345 –i lockedfile -o newfile 

way 2:


Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = TRUE 
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = FALSE
Path1="D:\VBS\VBS85 Excel Unprotect password\Book1.xlsx"
Path2="D:\VBS\VBS85 Excel Unprotect password\Book2.xlsx"
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(Path1,,,," ")
objWorkbook.Password = ""
objWorkbook.SaveAs Path2