On upload verify picture really is a ID or passport document [closed]

I hope you can help me - I am pulling my hair out and cannot find a way to make this happen.

I want to add an upload on my website which involves a passport or ID photo, what I need to do is validate that it really is a passport or ID on upload.

There are a few websites and apps that do it so I know it's possible I would just like to know where I can look to get started - please can you help get me started or point me to an article to read?

Thanks all!

Solution 1:

Some time ago I had to do something similar for a project.

I used Google's API: Google VISION to send me back the text on the ID card.


There is an equivalent at AWS if you want to make a comparison


There is an equivalent at AWS if you want to make a comparison.

Then with an algorithm of data cleaning and analysis with the coordinates in the image it is quite easy to know if you are dealing with a real document.

To find out if it is a real identity card or a real passport, you will also need to check with your country's authorities to see if the number matches.

It is a rather long job and requires patience. If you don't have a big budget to take a turnkey tool, I advise you to develop everything yourself and not take time on wobbly projects on the Internet.

If you do not want to use an external service you can use this locally : https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/

(I had to add extra text to fix the broken link) 😭