How do I get a platform-dependent new line character?

How do I get a platform-dependent newline in Java? I can’t use "\n" everywhere.

Java 7 now has a System.lineSeparator() method.

You can use


to get the line separator

In addition to the line.separator property, if you are using java 1.5 or later and the String.format (or other formatting methods) you can use %n as in

Calendar c = ...;
String s = String.format("Duke's Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY%n", c); 
//Note `%n` at end of line                                  ^^

String s2 = String.format("Use %%n as a platform independent newline.%n"); 
//         %% becomes %        ^^
//                                        and `%n` becomes newline   ^^

See the Java 1.8 API for Formatter for more details.