Getting a stack overflow exception when declaring a large array

The following code is generating a stack overflow error for me

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int sieve[2000000];
    return 0;

How do I get around this? I am using Turbo C++ but would like to keep my code in C


Thanks for the advice. The code above was only for example, I actually declare the array in a function and not in sub main. Also, I needed the array to be initialized to zeros, so when I googled malloc, I discovered that calloc was perfect for my purposes.

Malloc/calloc also has the advantage over allocating on the stack of allowing me to declare the size using a variable.

Solution 1:

Your array is way too big to fit into the stack, consider using the heap:

int *sieve = malloc(2000000 * sizeof(*sieve));

If you really want to change the stack size, take a look at this document.

Tip: - Don't forget to free your dynamically allocated memory when it's no-longer needed.

Solution 2:

There are 3 ways:

  1. Allocate array on heap - use malloc(), as other posters suggested. Do not forget to free() it (although for main() it is not that important - OS will clean up memory for you on program termination).
  2. Declare the array on unit level - it will be allocated in data segment and visible for everybody (adding static to declaration will limit the visibility to unit).
  3. Declare your array as static - in this case it will be allocated in data segment, but visible only in main().

Solution 3:

You would be better off allocating it on the heap, not the stack. something like

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int * sieve;
    sieve = malloc(20000);
    return 0;

Solution 4:

That's about 7MB of stack space. In visual studio you would use /STACK:###,### to reflect the size you want. If you truely want a huge stack (could be a good reason, using LISP or something :), even the heap is limited to small'sh allocations before forcing you to use VirtualAlloc), you may also want to set your PE to build with /LARGEADDRESSAAWARE (Visual Studio's linker again), but this configure's your PE header to allow your compiled binary to address the full 4GB of 32'bit address space (if running in a WOW64). If building truely massive binaries, you would also typically need to configure /bigobj as an additional linker paramerter.

And if you still need more space, you can radically violate convention by using something simular to (again MSVC's link) /merge:, which will allow you to pack one section into another, so you can use every single byte for a single shared code/data section. Naturally you would also need to configure the SECTIONS permissions in a def file or with #pgrama.