Using "Run as..." as limited user to modify network connection settings? [closed]

Solution 1:

Try the runas with the following:

explorer.exe /n,::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}

Post back the behavior, please. Aha! This explains why it doesn't work. I did not realized the user I was testing with was part of the Administrators group (totally my fault). Extract from the link:

"In the system32 folder, the file properties of ncpa.cpl show that it is the “Network Connections Control-Panel Stub”. So why doesn’t RunAs work with Network Connections? Because that stub merely calls the ShellExecuteEx API to launch an item in the shell namespace, which appears as a folder within Explorer."

The cmd scripts files he refers to there, which are not longer available, can be found on this wiki.

Solution 2:

You should be able to just runas "Control" if you've set Explorer to launch new folder windows as separate processes.

Then you can just hit whatever item inside it and it should start as that user... there might be a way to force this if you don't have "launch folders as separate processes" by using explorer.exe and its argument /separate