What scripting language do you use for your logon scripts in your Windows enviroment?

Although we use powershell on our servers, we use vbscript on the clients to login. VBscript is installed by default and we use it instead of CMD batch files because of the access to wmi and specifically we use it to install all the appropriate printers.

Your title strongly suggests a unix environment (or maybe its just me :-). Could be more precise if you add the phrase "for windows" at the end of the question.

Sorry for writing this as an answer, wanted to make it a comment but i just started on serverfault and don't have sufficient credits to add a comment.

For now, our logon scripts still are winNT batch files, and will stay for quite a while. The reason for being so conservative is how fundamentally important the scripts are, and how easy it would be to screw up the distibution of the proper interpreter on all computers.

If and when Windows 7 replaces Windows XP, imho, it will become feasible to switch the logon scripts to PowerShell.

But even before then, it is possible to branch to other scripts (perl etc) from the logon.cmd after doing the proper tests.

I've used KIX for about 15 years. It's fast, easy, and just about anyone can learn it. Which is the best part as far as I'm concerned as I then don't have to be the one maintaining the scripts.

Also there is a great free kix editor Kixtarter