The use of the term "agreeability" when comparing two results
Solution 1:
I suggest agreement/in agreement along with degree/measure of agreement
These and the verb to agree itself offer flexibility in sentence structure.
in agreement idiom 1: agreeing : concurring Everyone seems to be in agreement about/on the need for reform, but there is much disagreement about how to achieve it. m-w
be in agreement phrase
3. if a set of facts is in agreement with another, they both show or prove the same thing
be in agreement with: These recent findings are in agreement with our previous conclusions. macmillan
Theory and experiment are in agreement for a = 0°, but differ, especially on the flare, for other angles of attack.
...and agreement with experiment is excellent.
p.18 of a 1966 paper.
Despite this, six of seven studies comparing honey to other treatments, both conventional and unconventional, showed it to be superior for wound healing, maintenance of sterility or eradication of infection. The degree of agreement is considerable...
Systematic review of the use of honey as a wound dressing (2001)
Kappa is a so-called chance corrected measure of agreement. Before Kappa, there were some attempts to quantify the degree of agreement between two raters, and what follows is...
Advanced Bayesian Methods for Medical Test Accuracy (2016) p.163