What is a good word for scheduled activities which are ready to be performed, and also those that aren't yet ready?

Solution 1:

Adverbs before the word "scheduled" itself appear to always refer to the time the scheduling was or is to be done, as in recently scheduled or soon-to-be-scheduled. However,

1986, United States of America V. Guzzino - Page 29:
"Appellants to the contrary, the court fully allowed them to controvert the government's evidence linking the Pilotto shooting to the imminently scheduled starting date of the Arcado trial." In this case imminently appears to refer to the date's position in the schedule and not the time of scheduling.

You might consider imminent, upcoming, or fast(er)-approaching activities (or activities at-hand) as opposed to more distant or non-imminent activities on a schedule. Or perhaps up-front and back on the schedule (akin to the front of / the back of the queue in computer science as well as everyday usage).