Does "since High school" include High school? [duplicate]

I was applying for a Chinese visa and it was indicated that I should list my education history since High school. Does that also include High School or is it only referring to the period after high school until now?

'Since' can have either inclusive or exclusive meaning depending on the context. For example "He has been staying in the hotel since Friday" is inclusive: he arrived on Friday and has been a guest continuously during the intervening period. However "He hasn't been into work since Friday" is exclusive: he was at work on Friday but has not been in on any of the subsequent days.

Similarly "I've lived in the UK since I moved here from France in August 2002" implies that the speaker took up residence during August 2002 and has lived in the UK from 2002 to the time of speaking. However the same person could say "I haven't lived in France since August 2002" because that's when they moved to the UK.

In the case of the Chinese visa application the use of "since" seems to relate to the ending of your High School education (a bit like the ending of the person's period of residence in France) so they are looking for education after that point in time.

Whether the reference period is included depends on the context. In this case "high school" is included.

  • I haven't been eating since breakfast. (Here it is clearly "since after breakfast was finished")

  • He is been working in a bank since leaving school. (The time of leaving school is roughly the time when work in a bank began.)

  • We've been living here since 1994. (The full year is unlikely to be the period; what is probably meant is that they started living there at some time in 1994, which could even be in December 1994.)