Does C# support return type covariance?

UPDATE: This answer was written in 2011. After two decades of people proposing return type covariance for C# they have been implemented. See Covariant Returns in

It sounds like what you want is return type covariance. C# does not support return type covariance.

Return type covariance is where you override a base class method that returns a less-specific type with one that returns a more specific type:

abstract class Enclosure
    public abstract Animal Contents();
class Aquarium : Enclosure
    public override Fish Contents() { ... }

This is safe because consumers of Contents via Enclosure expect an Animal, and Aquarium promises to not only fulfill that requirement, but moreover, to make a more strict promise: that the animal is always a fish.

This kind of covariance is not supported in C#, and is unlikely to ever be supported. It is not supported by the CLR. (It is supported by C++, and by the C++/CLI implementation on the CLR; it does so by generating magical helper methods of the sort I suggest below.)

(Some languages support formal parameter type contravariance as well -- that you can override a method that takes a Fish with a method that takes an Animal. Again, the contract is fulfilled; the base class requires that any Fish be handled, and the derived class promises to not only handle fish, but any animal. Similarly, C# and the CLR do not support formal parameter type contravariance.)

The way you can work around this limitation is to do something like:

abstract class Enclosure
    protected abstract Animal GetContents();
    public Animal Contents() { return this.GetContents(); }
class Aquarium : Enclosure
    protected override Animal GetContents() { return this.Contents(); }
    public new Fish Contents() { ... }

Now you get both the benefits of overriding a virtual method, and getting stronger typing when using something of compile-time type Aquarium.

With interfaces I got around it by explicitly implementing the interface:

public interface IFoo {
  IBar Bar { get; }
public class Foo : IFoo {
  Bar Bar { get; set; }
  IBar IFoo.Bar => Bar;

Placing this in the MyControl object would work:

 public new MyPage Page {get return (MyPage)Page; set;}'

You can't override the property because it returns a different type... but you can redefine it.

You don't need covariance in this example, since it is relatively simple. All you're doing is inheriting the base object Page from MyPage. Any Control that you want to return MyPage instead of Page needs to redefine the Page property of the Control

Yes, it supports covariance, but it depends upon the exact thing you are trying to achieve.

I also tend to use generics a lot for things, which means that when you do something like:

class X<T> {
    T doSomething() {


class Y : X<Y> {
    Y doSomethingElse() {

var Y y = new Y();
y = y.doSomething().doSomethingElse();

And not "lose" your types.