Routing all Internet traffic through home network

Solution 1:

VPN is the way to go, and you have many options there. The choice boils down to how restrictive is your current access.

My advice would be to have a look to the openvpn-als project, this is to VPNs what webmail is to e-mail. The nice people at Hak5 made a presentation of this technology recently. You might need to learn a little about VPNs to set it up and running, but it's worth the effort.

However, a VPN can still be filtered (using L7 for example), but if your connection allows access to https (online banking for example) this solution should work (L7 might still be able to classify this traffic, as ssl certificates are sent unencrypted, a self-signed certificate might be filtered out).

You may also do some ssh tunneling, but isn't it considered old-school these days ...

Solution 2:

Have you tried Easy VPN from Comodo? I know that it is extremely secure, however I am not sure if it meets all of your requirements. Give it a try!

Solution 3:

Do you have rights to install programmes on these pc's.

Very simple to use is Windows Live Mesh beta easy to set up and just use your Windows Live I.D. Will give simple and easy access to your home pc, I use this at work.