Enhanced Explorer for Windows XP? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Replacement for Windows Explorer?

Is there a better explorer for Windows XP with Konqueror-like features (like dual panes), etc. Specially an enhanced integrated search option like in Vista? There are different products which cumulatively present something similar like xplorer2, Google Desktop Search or Windows Grep. But what about one integrated product?

Solution 1:


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Solution 2:

I can recommend SpeedCommander (dual pane, excellent archiver, lots of features including search, batch rename etc.). Although for search/replace operations, I prefer PowerGREP.

Solution 3:

I've been using good old Total Commander for as long as I can remember, ever since Win95 I think. Advanced search, two multi-tabbed panes, reads into archives, functions as an FTP client, has a multi-rename tool, a decent internal viewer, adjustable display... the list goes on and on.