Opposite of preparation / is there a word for winding down after an event? [closed]


I am wondering, if I prepare before an event by getting into my running clothes and we call this "preparation".
Is there a word for then getting out of my running clothes after the event?


Trying to elaborate on my thoughts, consider this:

Preparation What I am looking for
Prepare Postpare (?)


Another example:

  • I would say I prepare for some event by driving there (when talking about tasks).
  • What do I say for driving back home if I also consider this a task I need to complete?

Related question

There seems to be someone who had a similar thought, here.
However, this question has a completely different focus / discusses IT specifically and the answer do not answer my question at all.

Solution 1:

To conclude (i.e., to bring to a close, especially through an action) or to wrap up (i.e., to bring to a successful conclusion) or to complete (i.e., to bring to a final state) could all sound natural in this context.

I like to prepare for a run by stretching and a glass of water, and I like to wrap it up with more stretching and an herbal tea.

With a ride home from a friend and upon storing my gear, my hiking day trip was completed.

I concluded my exercise session by getting out of my sweaty clothes, showering, and putting on my favorite robe.

For further separation from the activity, as requested in the comments, please consider restore, reset, recover, or rehome. Just as “prepare” involves necessarily changing one’s state, conditions, or arrangements for on upcoming event, these terms capture the necessary actions to return to the default condition.

Solution 2:

To me this is one of those questions where the question already contains the best answer. The term 'winding down' is actually used by many people to mean just what you are looking for. I have no sources to back up this contention and would have posted it as a comment had comments not been blocked.