How do I produce a É character in the tty login prompt?

TL;DR : How can I produce a É character in the tty login prompt ?

Long story : Ok so I was playing with the application "Unity Tweak Tool" to discover some nice features but at some point the whole interface froze and I had to restart my computer the hard way. Now Unity is dead (once I'm logged I just have my desktop icons).

I thought I could maybe reset or reinstall Unity with tty1 terminal but... My password contains É. The problem is that the uppercase key on my keyboard doesn't uppercase the é character in the tty login prompt ("azerty" french keyboard). So basically I'm kinda screwed (I'm writing this from the guest user).

Is there any way to produce a É character with keyboard shortcuts only?

Alt+[unicode in decimal using numpad digits] works at the console, providing your environment is properly configured to expect UTF-8 (via LOCALE or LANG environment variables). In your case, you should enter Alt + 201.