What is the verb to say "negatively affect" in terms of temporary impairment done to intelligence or ability? [closed]

I have been searching for a verb that acurately means "negatively affect", especially when it's used to describe a situation where a person's intellectual capacity is temporarily harmed or damaged, causing failure in performance or functioning. For example, a drunk person's judgement is temporarily negatively affected due to the alcohol.

I have looked up words like "hamper", "hinder", "impede". But none of their definitions match the meaning I want to express.

But I don't mean "retarded" or "decreased intellectual capacity". Because I want a more general and abstract word to describe "causing a restriction to a person's ability to function physically, mentally, or socially."

Can you help me with this question?

The logical verb if you want to talk about impairment is "impair"


to damage or spoil to a certain extent; render less perfect, attractive, useful, etc.; impair or spoil

That billboard mars the view.

The holiday was marred by bad weather.
