I am looking for a term which would refer to all of the nontechnical staff at a technical company.

For example, if it is a software firm, the term would refer to, say, all HR, education, travel and relocation, wellness and finance staff.


Without the great [nontechnical staff] at our company, our programmers wouldn’t have been able to achieve what they did.

Words I considered

I could use the term “nontechnical staff” but I do not like the fact that it denotes what they aren’t instead of what they are.

I also thought about “support staff”. According to Cambridge Dictionary, support staff are

the people who work for an organization to keep it running and to support the people who are involved in the organization’s main business.

However, the problem with this term is that, at a technical company, when someone hears the term “support staff”, the first thing that comes to mind is IT or technical support staff.

Ancillary staff - defined here by

The ancillary workers in an institution are the people [...] whose work supports the main work of the institution.