What's a term for someone who held a position that's in the process of being handed over?

I am/was the Vice President of Finances for a club at my university. Over the summer, someone new was elected who will become the new VP Finances. The position is still being transferred, meaning that the new officer hasn't assumed the full role of Finances, but I am technically not the VP of Finances anymore, the new person is.

I need to write a number of letters, emails, etc. to companies about sponsorships and the like. I typically would sign them:

John Christianson
Vice President of Finances

but now that I am not VP of Finances, what title should I use? Is there a specific word that means 'the position is in the process of being transferred'?

Outgoing Vice President may work better than incumbent, as it refers specifically to

an elected official whose successor has already been elected or will be soon.

Until your successor is “sworn in” and formally doing the duties of the office, you are the VP Finance, and should sign as such. Once your successor is actually sworn and doing the duties, you are the former VP Finance. If you are the former VP Finance, but still sending out letters, it would be proper for you to omit a title for yourself, and sign as

John Christianson, for
«successor’s name»
Vice President of Finances