Is there a good alternative to what the word "equivocate" seems to mean?
I thought "equivocate" means to make two concepts seem the same, or to compare them. Turns out "equivocate" just means "use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself." But it turns out I'm not the only that was confused:
Stop misusing the word ‘equivocate’
“Trump’s statements last week are provided as just one of the latest examples of this false equivalency that is corrupting the political dialogue of our political system. It might be a risk of committing false equivocation ourselves to say ideologues on both the right and left commit these disingenuous arguments, but there are enough examples that we feel safe to call it a fact.”
“The Republican president’s statements have been widely criticized as equivocating between white nationalists, including Ku Klux Klan members and neo-Nazis, on the one hand and those protesting against them on the other.”
Is there a word that actually means comparing with intent to present as equal? I think the best option I found was "equate".
Solution 1:
You've already listed the answer: equate
2 : to treat, represent, or regard as equal, equivalent, or comparable (equates disagreement with disloyalty)
Though, there is a less formal vernacular backformation (and possibly influenced by the form of equivocate) which has given rise to equivalate but this is less commonly used than equate by a great degree.