What's the word for confusing *two* things for one another?

To confuse, to muddle (up), to mix up or (my preference) mistake (a person or thing) for (some other person or thing)

to suppose erroneously the former to be the latter; to identify wrongly as (OED)

a1616 - W. Shakespeare Winter's Tale (1623) ii. i. 83
You haue mistooke (my Lady) Polixenes for Leontes.

1828 - W. Scott Fair Maid of Perth x, in Chron. Canongate 2nd Ser. II. 297
Poor gossip Oliver often mistook friends for enemies.

1945 - J. Agate Diary 10 July in Selective Ego (1976) 216
Yonnel..looks every inch an actor; you couldn't possibly mistake him for anything else.