Single word for not inherently evil but insensitive to damage done by one's actions

Is there a single word for a person who might not be inherently evil, but takes actions that can cause a lot of harm which the actor is insensitive to? In particular, if the person is interested in propping themselves up regardless of the negative impact to others. Callous seems like the best I can come up with. Curious if there is anything better.

Example: John's constant striving for acclaim would routinely harm those around him, but due to his {desired word here}, this never affected him.

Indifference works here.

John's constant striving for acclaim would routinely harm those around him, but due to his indifference, this never affected him.


indifference NOUN
1 Lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.

‘But behind the latest official displays of concern lie the same indifference for the plight of the Asian masses

How about apathy ?

Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.