Website Recommendations [closed]

I would like advice in starting a new website that will be relatively high volume. Will need a database. I want a system that will grow with volume by adding hardware. What would be the recommendation for database, operating system, and hardware architecture ? Also, any ballpark cost estimates would be great. PLan to start out with a hosting service but may need a dedicated system from the start.

whatever technical solutions you're going to choose [ operating system, application layer, database engine ] - from very first day plan with scalability / high-availability in mind.

so - shard your data from day from day one, think how to spread load between servers generating pages.

it all really depends on what you're going to serve... couple of random addresses/books to take a look at [ linux/php/mysql biased ]:

  • high performance websites + 2nd part
  • jeremy zawodny's blog - guy used to work at yahoo, now works at crieglist
  • mysqlperformanceblog
  • countless presentations of google / you tube / facebook / wikipedia internals - just go go and search for clips about scalability longer then 10 min.