Xcode ERROR ITMS-90783: "Missing bundle display name"

Today I started to receive this error with fastlane and Xcode:

ERROR ITMS-90783: "Missing bundle display name. The Info.plist key CFBundleDisplayName is missing or has an empty value in the bundle with bundle identifier 'com.id'."

It was ok and I didn't remove this property. I think this is a bug on Apple's side.

Does anyone have the same issue and how did you fix it?

Just add a new property to info.plist:

enter image description here


Open "info.plist" from your project folder.

And add key:"Bundle display name" or CFBundleName

and write value:"your app name". or add product name like this $(PRODUCT_NAME)

Key value example


Then your problem will be solved!

enter image description here

In Xcode, you could add "Display Name" by following the illustration below. enter image description here

I am having the problem too. Although a newly project has this in its info.plist:


That broke in the last few days for me. Now I hard code CFBundleName to the application name and that seems to work.