Term for "to undermine scrutiny/conflict by going beneath something" [closed]

I'm looking for a word that describes "to undermine scrutiny/conflict by going beneath something."

I'm looking for something like:

  • Galileo word-ed the prevalent idea of Geocentrism by formulating his blasphemous Heliocentrism in secret and proposing it as a result.

I thought the word "subvert" means exactly this because it has "sub" (under) in it; it turns out I was wrong because modern dictionary doesn't note the "going beneath".

Edit: "subvert" is correct as @Lambie pointed out by its etymology ("sub" = to go under, "vertere" = to turn). While I reasoned that the "going beneath" connotation isn't officially added to its definition in modern dictionary, it's my best bet at, at least subliminally, conveying the "going beneath".

Are you probably looking for the word debunked?

expose the falseness or hollowness of ([a myth,] an idea or belief).


Perhaps, deconstruct works better in the given context.

to take apart or examine (something) in order to reveal the basis or composition often with the intention of exposing biases, flaws, or inconsistencies

deconstruct the myths of both the left and the right

— Wayne Karlin
