How to run multiple commands in one Github Actions Docker

Solution 1:

You can run multiple commands using a pipe | on the run attribute. Check this out:

name: My Workflow

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
     - uses: actions/checkout@v1
     - run: |
        echo "A initial message"
        pip install -r requirements.txt
        echo "Another message or command"
        bash -xe
     - run: echo "One last message"

On my tests, running a shell script like ./ returns a ``. But running it like bash -xe worked like expected.

My workflow file | Results

If you want to run this inside the docker machine, an option could be run some like this on you run clause:

docker exec -it pseudoName /bin/bash -c "cd myproject; pip install -r requirements.txt;"

Regard to the "create another Docker for another command, which will contain the output of the previous Docker", you could use multistage-builds on your dockerfile. Some like:

## First stage (named "builder")
## Will run your command (using add git as sample) and store the result on "output" file
FROM alpine:latest as builder
RUN apk add git > ./output.log

## Second stage
## Will copy the "output" file from first stage
FROM alpine:latest
COPY --from=builder ./output.log .
RUN cat output.log
# RUN your checks
CMD []

This way the apk add git result was saved to a file, and this file was copied to the second stage, that can run any check on the results.