A meaning without suitable words

I wanted to add a poem to my book but I can't manage to convey my meaning in the right words. The first sentence was about bells that indicate _____. That was where my sentence end. The meaning that I want to express was something unpredictable happened but no one knows whether it is good or bad. I've been trying to find a word for this meaning on the internet and it doesn't give much help except for giving me Ambivalent and Agathokakological. I asked many people but they keep giving answers like Uncertain and doubtful, which did not help at all because I wasn't putting the 'feeling' words in the poem since the poem itself is hinting at the theme and mood.

If you don't understand what I'm talking about, feel free to ask questions so I could clarify my question.

Edit: I think I'm looking for a phrase that isn't too long.

This may not work for you, but since it's a poem, you have certain liberties, especially for using and connecting words for colorful expressions rather than simple concise meaning. I was thinking you could almost make up your own word for it, or connect some existing, and then (if necessary) use the following line or two to clarify what that word meant in the context. Maybe like this;

The Blueburn Bell was heard aloud. Uncertain eyes were met about. They knew from tales for what it stood. Uncertain, though, of bad or good.

I don't know if that's anything close to your format, but hopefully, you get the idea.