Word for challenging a general idea or belief [closed]

I need a word or phrase which can be used to describe someone or something challenging a general idea of belief. Here are some examples:

They challenge the ethos of their particular eras and in turn, inflict personal and political change.

In these sources, they investigate the intricacies of human interaction, and how the distribution of power can be altered through challenging the zeitgeists of the same country at two distinct points, one filled with racism and the latter with chaos.

I need terms to replace the word "challenge" in these examples. Any help will be strongly appreciated.

"To contend against" is a close synonym.

(SOED)4 v.i. Argue (with, against, etc.)

They contend against the ethos of their particular eras and in turn, inflict personal and political change.

Here can be perused plenty of examples; by doing so a truer feel of the term can be gained.

A telling sample The classical student has only to contend against other students who are and have been situated very much as he is situated himself.

This can be worded as follows.

  • The classical student has only to challenge other students who are and have been situated very much as he is situated himself.